RockVIU for international students

This day of welcome for international students will give you the tools to have a successful first year at Vancouver Island University (VIU) and beyond.

Connect with your peers, get comfortable on campus and learn about the VIU community. Meet other international students from around the world and learn about VIU services, academic and immigration information, health and safety and upcoming orientation programming with events.

All incoming international students in undergraduate and graduate programs at VIU are invited and expected to attend RockVIU: International Student Orientation. This includes students transitioning from English as a second language (ESL) studies in Canada, and exchange and study abroad students.

If you are starting ESL studies at VIU, you are invited to the ESL Student Orientation

This event is for first-year international students only (no guests or family). 

Register for International Student Orientation

Rock VIU

All students welcome

You are invited to take part in the RockVIU events for all students. 

Learn more about the RockVIU event